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To a Green Thought is a twice-monthly newsletter about music, art, film, and books.

Think of this as a kind of workshop for playing with ideas in a more freewheeling, less responsible way than in my more formal criticism. I’ll also write, from time to time, on the work of my friends, and I’ll share more general thoughts about writing and the writing world.

I have fun writing these posts, and I hope you’ll have fun reading them. And maybe you’ll discover some writers, musicians, and artists who are new to you. A note that if you purchase books through the Bookshop links I include, I will get a small commission. I donate that money to an LGBTQ+ cultural cause, currently the Leslie Lohman Museum.

At least one post a month is free to read, and each month there will also be at least one post behind the paywall. Paid posts tend to be about the writing life, or standalone close readings of texts (literary, visual, musical); I hope to include more conversations with friends and artists I admire. If you’re able to afford a paid subscription without hardship, I’m very grateful for your support. If you’re not, I’m still very happy that you’re here.

A final note to encourage you to comment on the posts; I love hearing from you. I especially love hearing from you if you have recommendations to share, or if you love something I’ve been ungenerous to. Nothing makes me happier than seeing people defend their enthusiasms—and maybe you’ll teach me to look or listen better.

In any event, I’m very happy you’re here.

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Books, art, music, movies


Two books of fiction, What Belongs to You & Cleanness. Next: Small Rain. Essays in The New Yorker, Harper’s, LRB, etc. 2020 Guggenheim Fellow. Distinguished Writer in Residence at NYU.